How often should you post online in 2022

Posting frequency

Maintaining an online presence is important for the success of any business in 2022, but how often should you be posting to remain relevant?

How often you post will likely depend on a few things, such as: medium (social media, blog, newsletter), your resources (like time), and more, so let’s dig into it!


According to Marketing Sherpa, approximately 61% of people want to see promotional emails (such as newsletters) at least weekly and nearly 90% want to receive them at least monthly. Depending on how much time you have to create and schedule newsletters and how much content you have, these are good places to start. For smaller businesses, especially those with limited time or content, it may be best to start once a month.

Pro Tip: Platforms like Mailchimp can help you with content creation, sign up forms, scheduling, and more!


If you want to start blogging or if you’re looking to blog more often, there are a few things to consider when deciding how often to post. If you want to do reporting/news style blogging, you should likely be posting every day or several times a week. For many others like influencers, experts, and business owners, that may sound like too big of a commitment. Don’t worry, because you don’t have to post that often. If you’re looking to position yourself as an influencer or an expert in your field, you’ll want to blog often. This could be at most every day or at least once a week – because you want to be top of mind as the go-to person. If you’re blogging for some other sort of business, you may be able to post weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. The frequency will depend on a few things, such as how many people are available to write articles, how much time you have, etc.

Pro Tip: Create an editorial calendar (basically a plan) for your blog content. After you’ve chosen how frequently you’d like to post, outline the next few months or so. Include posting date, topic, and any important notes for you or other writers such as important talking points or keywords. This will help keep you on track and you won’t have to come up with topics at the last minute.

Social Media

Posting on social media will be different on each platform because users have different habits on each platform, so let’s take a peek at what’s recommended for the most popular platforms.

According to the social media marketing platform Later, you should be posting 3-5 times per week on TikTok for your business. If after a while you think you can post more, try posting more often, perhaps even daily.

According to the social media management platform Hootsuite, here’s how often you should be posting on other social media platforms in 2022:

  • Instagram: 3-7 times per week (Note: We wouldn’t suggest posting more than once a day on Instagram, BUT you can utilize Instagram Stories if you’d like to post multiple times per day. This could work for fun interactive stories quizzes, asking your audience questions, highlighting behind the scenes content, and more.)

  • Facebook: 1 or 2 times a day

  • Twitter: 1-5 times a day

  • LinkedIn: 1-5 times a day

You may look at these social media posting suggestions and think, “I could NEVER keep up with all of that that.” Don’t worry, you don’t necessarily have to! You don’t have to be on every platform. Instead choose only what you can handle and what makes the most sense for your business.

Use your time wisely. If you can, create blocks of content ahead of time so that you’re not scrambling for content later and to maximize your time.

Pro Tip: Similar to blogging, creating an editorial calendar for your social media accounts can be a helpful tool because it allows you to create a plan and map out what you want to post. You can outline the type of content you want to post (i.e. quotes, how-to videos, product images, etc), your selected timing (day and time), and more. 

Pro Tip: If you are creating blocks of content, use social media scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Later, or Sendible to schedule content. These are super helpful tools because you can schedule your content when you have time and your posts will publish at the exact time you want.

Wrapping it up

Before we wrap things up, there are a few important things to remember:

  • This is just a guide and absolutely not written in stone. It’s important to find what works for YOU and remember it’s ok to change things up. Trial and error is an important part of success and the digital space is changing every day. Don't be afraid to ask your audience what they like in terms of posting frequency and work with your resources (such as time or money) to create the best posting schedule for your business.

  • Quality over quantity. Don’t just post for the sake of posting. Creating a strategy, planning content, and putting in the effort to create quality content is more important than posting as much content as possible.

  • Hire an expert if you need or want to. Even large businesses hire people and teams to publish newsletters, blogs, and to post on social media. Whether you don’t have the time or just want a professional to take it on, hire an expert!

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