These are a few of my favourite things: Top marketing tips for the holidays

Holiday Marketing Tips

It’s officially September… And if you haven’t already started thinking about your holiday marketing strategy now is the time! Over the years, SongBird has shared some great tips and tricks to get the most out of your holiday marketing strategy.

If you know me at all, you’ll know I LOVE the holiday season. I’m that weird person who also loves winter. When it’s officially fall, I am the person who is fighting the urge to share Christmas countdowns on social media. So, when it comes to holiday marketing campaigns, I know the sky is the limit – regardless of what budget you are at.

Here are a few of my favourite articles with some tips and tricks to add a little (or a lot) of sparkle to your holiday marketing campaigns.

5 things to consider for your holiday marketing

Whether you get excited about Christmas and the holiday season or not, the reality is you need to build a great strategy to carry you through. For many businesses, this is the biggest sales opportunity of the year. So how are you going to stand out among your competitors? How are you going to present your brand in a way that makes sense for both you and your customers?

This article gives you an overarching look at how you can approach your holiday marketing and stay true to your business brand while getting the biggest return on your efforts.

Check out the 5 tips and all the details here!

Holiday marketing During a pandemic

OK. Hear me out. I know we’re on the tail end of things, but there were some really amazing things that came out of the pandemic when it comes to marketing. So many businesses launched online, and it opened them up to a broader community of customers. This article explores some of the biggest adjustments businesses had to make during the 2020 holiday season, but some of the tips are timeless when it comes to the “new” way of marketing post-pandemic.

Check out these 8 tips and all the details here!

10 fun holiday marketing ideas: Part 1 (& 2)

Sometimes you just have to have a bit of fun with your marketing! The holidays are a traditionally emotional time of the year with many brands choosing to focus on sentimental and softer emotions. This is NOT the first holiday season and there are so many ideas that other businesses have done in the past. We’re not all about copying, but you can get inspired by what’s been done before. The key is taking it and making it your own.

Here are 10 ideas that will allow you to have some fun with your holiday marketing this year – and the best part? You can do them at any budget level.

Get all the ideas in these two articles here and here!

Holiday PR packages: Dos and Don’ts

I am sure you have seen lots of unboxing and product review videos across your social media platforms. And gift guides in traditional media channels. Usually, they are the result of sending PR packages. You may have heard of PR packages. But what the heck are they? Why should you send them? And how can you do it right? This article is a can’t miss guide to sending product to your media and influencer contacts.

Learn what to do and what not to do in this quick run-down of Holiday PR packages.

3 consumer trends to look out for this holiday season

While trends change over time, I wanted to include this article because it’s a good reminder to really get to know your customers and what they want to hear and see from you. Also, while these are a few trends from the past, some have stuck around so they can help shape your Holiday marketing strategy this year.

Have a peek at these 3 consumer trends from last year to see how they can impact your marketing this year.


Are you feeling kind of stuck when it comes to your holiday marketing this year? Maybe a little burnt out? Book a free 20-minute consultation with me and we can chat to help get you back on track!


It’s a Wonderful Holiday Round Up: More marketing tips for the holidays


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