Brands and Social Issues: Should Companies Take a Stand?

Many businesses will likely start the year out saying they want to make a difference and if you’re a business owner, you may be wondering how you can do that in a way that aligns with your brand and your target audience.

One way to do that is to take a stand on important issues - and there are many ways you can do just that - but you may also be wondering IF you should even take a stand.

Consumers are more connected than ever to businesses and with that, the expectations they have of brands has likely changed a lot as well. In fact, according to Sprout Social, 66% of consumers say it’s important for companies to take a stand on social and political issues - and to do so publicly. Further, 58% are open to brands highlighting their stand on social media platforms such as Instagram. 

With that said, yes you should take a stand. But here’s what you need to know first.

Know your stuff

If you’re going to take a stand about social or political issues, it’s important to know the facts. Know the details of what you’re talking about and why it’s important for you and for others to take whatever stand you're advocating for.

Prepare for some negativity

We can’t please everyone and, if the past has shown us anything, it’s that there are always going to be some people who disagree with your views. Just take a look at the comments on this Black Lives Matter Instagram post from ice cream brand Ben and Jerry’s - they’re a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to the comments. When you’re taking a stand, especially on social media, you have to be prepared for a mix of reactions and to stand behind what you say and believe.

Be genuine… And don’t just talk the talk 

Authenticity is something that consumers value, so it’s important to be genuine in your beliefs and with that, don’t just talk the talk. Walk the walk.  Mean what you say and, if you can, put those beliefs into action - donate, volunteer, and be prepared to back up what you’re saying. 

Let’s take a look at how that may look for businesses… 

In 2020, many brands came out in support of Black Lives Matter and participated in Blackout Day in protest of police brutality and in response to the murders of George Floyd, Auhmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. But it’s easy to post a black square on social media, so many people we’re looking for businesses to make more of a stand and to be more transparent. 

Sharon Chuter, the Founder of the beauty company UOMA started “PullUpOrShutUp,”  which was a call for companies to release the number of Black employees they had in corporate and executive levels. One brand that was transparent about their diversity and inclusion (or lack thereof), who shared how they would be moving forward, and who later followed up again and again, was the beauty brand Lime Crime. Being transparent about where you stand, where you are, what you’re going to do to create real change, and then following up, is important.

So if you’re going to take a stand, know your stuff, prepare for some backlash or trolling, be genuine, and be prepared to take action.

P.S If you want to take a look at a brand that often takes a stand on social issues, take a scroll through Ben & Jerry's Instagram.


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‘Twas the night before the holiday break…