Spotlight on Personal Brand: Setting the Record Straight

When people hear the term “personal brand” – a hot buzzword – there are certain misconceptions that are associated that steer people in the wrong direction. Below you will find four of the most common misconceptions and why they are just not true.

Misconception #1: Personal brand is just for celebrities and CEOs

What most people don’t realize is that even before you enter your career, you are already building your personal brand. Your favourite celebrities’ personal brands may have evolved as they became more famous, and the most powerful CEOs had to start somewhere. They made a conscious choice to get where they are today.

Misconception #2: Introverts can’t really build a strong personal brand

Yes, a lot of the more traditional (non-digital) branding activity involves networking and speaking engagements, however you can’t avoid building your personal brand out of fear. Introverts could do a lot of the foundational work online through a blog or through your social media profile. While extroverts may prefer personal contact and events where they can showcase their showmanship, introverts should just look at it as more of a balance. Having a strong presence doesn’t mean you need to be loud.

Misconception #3: I made mistakes in the past that I can never overcome

We have all made mistakes. Period. The key is how you deal with it. There are organizations that deal with reputation management for some of the most well-known brands across the globe. Take a page from their book and simply change the narrative. Sometimes it can be a long process, but in the end, you determine how people perceive you.

Misconception #4: I can build my personal brand only using online channels

With the evolution of social media and information sharing online you can have a farther reach across the globe than with traditional methods, but interaction with human beings face to face should never be discounted. You may have created an amazing profile for yourself online doing all of the right things, but if people don’t see you that way in real life, then it can actually have a negative effect on what you have built online. You should get out there, learn how to interact with people and read body language.

Think of everything you do as taking you one step closer to what you want to be when you “grow up”. Your personal brand will evolve as you grow and, just like the most well-known brands, you will build brand equity over time. 


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