Why you need a business mantra for 2022

By Candace Huntly

I always hear people talk about how New Year’s feels like a fresh start. As a business owner and mom to a busy toddler who is at home with me all day every day, it’s hard for me to think of anything as a fresh start when all the days run into each other.

Running a business is hard. Running a business on top of navigating a global pandemic is even harder. Business owners have had to pivot several times in the past two years, and we seem to be walking into another unknown time. We are longing for human contact, but need to be mindful of those around us who are at risk and unable to be vaccinated. We are longing for some semblance of normalcy in running our businesses like regular in-person events, client meetings, in-store shopping experiences where we don’t need to worry about our health or the health of our customers, and everything in between. Running a business is no longer just about figuring out how to make your product or service offering the best it can be and getting it in front of your customers. Now you have to worry about government regulations, the constantly changing behaviours and comfort levels of your customers, and figuring out what supports are in place to get you through to the next stage relatively unscathed.


I remember back to the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 when events started to get cancelled and then the first lockdowns were in place. It seems like a distant memory. With a light dimly lit light at the end of the tunnel, this pandemic has dragged on longer than most of us thought it would.

In spite of everything going on, it’s important that we continue to look forward to the good that is coming to us and finding the positives. Your mindset is what is going to take you forward despite the constant changes, setbacks, and barriers you may face.

I have mixed feelings about New Year’s Resolutions – but I love goal setting throughout the year! While I am setting my own goals for the upcoming year for SongBird and for myself personally and professionally, I thought I would try something a bit differently this year by setting a personal business mantra that I feel should shape the way I do things in 2022 as an entrepreneur. A mantra can be described as a short, simple, and powerful statement. It serves as a reminder for you monthly, weekly, daily, hourly… whenever you need a bit of a boost or to help you get back on track.

My mantra for 2022 is:

I am fabulous. I am fierce. I am destined for great things.

As entrepreneurs it’s so important to keep yourself on track. And so often YOU are the one person who can do that. Having a community is also important for those times that you can’t snap out of a slump. Have you ever set a mantra for yourself as an entrepreneur? We would love to hear it in the comments below!


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