Marketing and Public Relations: Integrating New School and Old School


Having worked both with industry pros who have been in business for over 15 years as well as the new generation of marketing and PR professionals, I have been privy to the difference in approach that both brings to the table. When creating a Marketing and PR strategy, it is important to integrate both approaches to get the most out of your efforts.

Here are a few things that I learned from the seasoned pros:

  • While we don’t have to worry about sending a individual faxes to newsrooms and media contacts across the country anymore, personalization goes a long way.

  • Face to face PR is still the best way of reaching media, influencers, clients, and consumers.

  • Direct Mail campaigns aren’t dead. You can make yourself stand out from the crowd with a unique offering or media kit.

  • If you don’t like what people are saying, then change the narrative. Marketing and PR is all about storytelling, and your story as a brand says a lot about you.

Here are a few things that I have learned as PR has evolved and from the new generation:

  • Rocking the boat is always more fun even if it is a bit controversial.

  • There is generally a “life hack” for everything. (It’s true)

  • Attention spans have shortened, so the more visuals you can put in your content the better.

  • Social media shouldn’t exist on its own, it should highlight everything that is going on in a campaign or with a brand.

Generally, here are some rules to live by as you approach your Marketing & PR strategy both from an Old School and a New School perspective:

  1. Whatever you are doing, you are communicating with other humans, so face to face and personalization are key whenever you can fit it in.

  2. Your strategy should be based on telling your story whether using digital or traditional tactics.

  3. With instant communication and the hope of “going viral” comes the possibility of instant mistakes that go viral. Prepare yourself with a good crisis plan.

  4. Learn who the influencers are both in traditional print/broadcast media as well as digital publications and bloggers.

  5. Integrate your social and experiential tactics. You never really own a hashtag, but it doesn’t hurt to create one to manage the flow of conversation about your campaign!

  6. Content is key. Whether you are creating a video to post online or you are handing out a flyer on the street, it needs to engage your audience.

  7. Don’t shy away from doing an event. It is a great way to interact with your audience as well as influencers.


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