5 ways brands can use blogging for business

Candace Huntly

Have you made the leap yet to start your blog or is something holding you back? We have talked before about why blogging for business should definitely be on your radar when it comes to your marketing strategy. So, if you feel a bit stuck on making a final decision, check out:

If you are trying to get started and you just don’t know what to write about, here are five creative ways you can use blogging for business to build your brand and connect with your target audience.


Writing a step-by-step guide to how people can use your product or what the experience will be like using your services is a great way to show off your brand without pushing for a hard sale. Load your blog with keywords related to your industry and don’t forget to share it in multiple places. For example:

  • Social media: Sharing to social media is a given these days! Regardless of whether you have 1 or 10 channels, use them as a platform to amplify your message.

  • Product pages: If you have done a great write up on how to use a certain product or on a specific service experience, make it easy for people to find it by linking directly from your product/service page.


A blog is a great way to help your audience learn more about both your brand and the team behind it. Do a monthly behind-the-scenes (BTS) feature where you show how your product is made, who your team members are, what your brand philosophies are and the stories behind them, and generally what makes your business unique. The beautiful thing about BTS blogs is that you don’t have to search far for inspiration because you have everything you need right at your fingertips!


Whether you like it or not, industries will go through both large and small changes. While your business needs to learn to roll with the punches and adapt, you should also learn to vocalize your opinion and talk about how you are adapting. Sharing information about what is going on in your industry will not only showcase your expertise, but it will also pull back the curtain on how you run your business and how it might differ from your competitors.


With every brand, every business, there will inevitably be certain questions that will get asked on a regular basis. Those questions are considered your Frequently Asked Questions (AKA FAQ). You might have an FAQ page on your website, but in case you don’t, writing a blog post that includes your FAQ actually opens you up to getting into the nitty gritty about individual products and services. You can also use your FAQ blog as a reference point on product pages and other places throughout your website.


You would be hard-pressed to be on the internet and NOT have seen a blog about product hacks. The most common are posts about IKEA hacks. If you aren’t familiar with the concept, a “hack” is when you use the product for something it wasn’t originally intended. As a business, you should always be listening to your audience to ensure you are providing value, but also to see if people are using your products/services in unexpected ways. You would be surprised at how people are able to adapt something to their needs. It might also help you to market your products/services in a different way than you are currently doing!

Blogging for business can be a really creative way for you to connect with your target audience, but it does take some planning to get started. If you feel a bit stuck on how to get going, set up a FREE 20-minute consultation with us and we can talk your ear off about how you can use a blog to grow your business, plus we’ll even point you in the right direction to get started the right way!


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