2022 Resolutions for small business owners

By Felicia Guthrie

We’re halfway through December and as 2022 approaches, many will begin thinking about their 2022 new year resolutions... others may just roll their eyes at the idea – and that’s OK too. To be honest, most people fail to follow through with their resolutions. In fact, research shows up to 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by mid-February – that’s not exactly motivating. Sticking to a resolution can obviously be tough, intimidating, and stressful. Despite this, you should have some resolutions or goals for your business in 2022. Keep in mind that they don’t need to be massive (and unrealistic) resolutions, they can be small and simple changes, because a series of small things adds up to a lot!

Think of the quote, “Strive for progress, not perfect.” That’s what you should aim for when you approach your business goals. Perfection is unattainable, progress is not.

Without further ado, here are a few resolutions to keep in mind for 2022 – in no particular order.


When thinking of New Year’s resolutions, many people (myself included), will resolve to save money, pay off debt, create and keep to a budget, and more. This is certainly something that you can and should do as the new year approaches. You may have an accountant, but it’s important to also personally review and understand your finances. In addition to that, things can change at any moment so it’s important to also ensure that you have savings (and insurance) if you need them. Budgeting for the new year can also help you streamline your expenses and help you better prepare for the future of your business.


Another popular resolution and a personal goal of mine is to read more, which can be a beneficial goal for small business owners as well. Why? Well, reading can improve brain connectivity, improve your focus, and it can improve your communication skills. Reading can also help reduce stress which can also be helpful for small business owners. Another upside to reading is that there is a book on virtually every topic or theme, so you can mix it up and read a variety of books from business to fiction, and everything in between!


It can be hard to disconnect from work, especially as an entrepreneur because you often take on several roles within your business, such as customer service, social media manager, and service provider. That being said, you NEED to take a break. We all do sometimes. Not only can taking a break relieve stress but it also allows you to recharge both physically and mentally. As the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”


So many people resolve to spend more time with friends or family in the new year and as a small business owner, strong connections are also incredibly important to your success. In 2022, look for ways to build new connections and strengthen the ones you’ve already made. Here are a few ways to do both:

  • Try attending networking events to meet mentors and peers in your industry – there are still a lot going on virtually during the pandemic.

  • Look for ways to improve your relationship with your employees. For example, you could organize work events such as a company lunch or dinner.

  • Strengthen customer relationships by creating things like a loyalty or referral program.

  • Utilize user generated content to engage your customers more.


Again, a common personal resolution is to give back to the community. Great examples are doing things like donating and volunteering, but it can also be a professional goal for the new year as well. We all know that volunteering and donating can be beneficial and impactful to individuals and communities, but let’s take a quick look at how they can be beneficial for small business.Volunteering:

  • Strengthens valuable skills

  • Engages your employees

  • Encourages team building

Donating and other forms of advocacy/giving back:

  • Can improve morale

  • Is good for your brand image

Whatever resolutions you do decide on, remember to be realistic about what you can achieve and what you’re expecting of yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t meet every goal, reward yourself when you do meet your goals, and remember to focus on progress over perfection!

Do you have any business resolutions or goals for 2022?

We’d love to know if you have any personal or professional goals or resolutions for 2022!


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