Marketing Camapaigns: These are a few of our favourite things


Spring is in the air, so we thought we’d talk about some of our favourite things at the office… when it comes to marketing campaigns.

With all the great campaign ideas percolating in every industry, the challenge we have for all business owners and entrepreneurs is to think outside of the box. It’s important to not shut down an idea before it even gets started. Brainstorming is your friend!

If you seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut, personal experience shows that sometimes it benefits you more than you know to step away for a bit and then come back at a problem or strategy with fresh eyes.

Here are a few campaigns that have caught our eye over the past little while. Looking at what worked for others can help you to think about new ideas for your own strategy.

Depaul outdoor campaign (UK)

Playing with perspective and telling a story

This campaign, while visually very simple, manages to challenge the stereotypes surrounding homelessness. We should all try to see the world differently.


Image Source: The Drum

TNT: “Push to Add Drama (Belgium)

Intrigue and surprise

Yeah, I know this one isn't really new, but it still amuses every time. While this campaign was big budget, there are ways to use teasers and surprise elements in even the smallest campaigns. You just have to get creative with it. We liked this one because who doesn’t love a bit of drama! Plus, I know I would have pushed the button because curiosity would have gotten the better of me.

Dove: Any of the Real Beauty Campaign tactics… but this is the latest

Emotional/personal connection

The latest video from the Real Beauty campaign again shows how women are quite hard on themselves, and how for some reason we put beauty on this imaginary unattainable pedestal. How can you not love a campaign that is designed to help people feel better about themselves?

It’s all about making an emotional connection with your audience. As brands we can all do this -- there is no shame in feeling a little emotion.

There are hundreds of campaigns that could have been posted here, do you have any favourites?


What kind of marketing is best for you?


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