5 ways to start 2020 off right with your customer relationships

By Candace Huntly

2020 is right around the corner. The past few years I have done a number of blogs on how to set yourself up right for the new year. It’s a fresh start for some business owners who almost want to wipe the slate clean and a means to kick up existing strategies to the next level for others who think what they are doing is working well. Regardless, you should absolutely review your current strategy to make sure that what you are doing is working for you in the best way possible.

This year, I thought we would think about your customer relationships and how you can start things off right with them in the new year. Here are 5 ways to do customer relationships right in 2020.


There is a reason why influencers are throwing out the carefully curated images they have worked so hard to cultivate… Your audience is looking for real interactions with real people. Just because you are using your brand voice doesn’t mean you can’t be genuine in your interactions with your audience. Show your human side – it’s OK to be flawed as long as you own up to it.


We live in a really divided world and chances are your customers are not sitting on the fence. Find a cause that is meaningful to both you and your audience and take a stand. Cause marketing gives you many fun opportunities to integrate messaging that resonates with your audience into your own strategy. Whether it’s team outings like building houses with Habitat for Humanity, partnerships where you help to raise awareness (or funds) – non-profits like Wishes for Olivia is always looking for good event sponsors The Princess Ball, or simply just regular social media shout outs, your customers will appreciate you for taking their values into consideration.


Be a trend setter – but do it because you have adjusted your approach to match your customers. Maybe your niche doesn’t really fit the mold, or perhaps YOU don’t fit the industry mold. Standing out among your competitors will only help you, not hurt you. Plus your audience will appreciate that you are connecting with them in a way they understand. This could mean making changes to your product or service offerings, how you deliver value to your customers, the language you use, your brand’s tone of voice, the marketing channels you communicate with, etc.


A simple thank you goes a long way. Showing you appreciate your customers is important because you want to build relationships based on mutual loyalty. Your customers want to know they can rely on you for great products and services and you want to know you can rely on them to keep coming back. Beyond saying thank you to them in emails, social media, and other marketing, consider starting a loyalty program that rewards them for sticking by your side.


Overhaul your customer experience by finding out what’s not working. You can do this in a number of different ways. Internally, identify all touch points (any time they interact with your brand passively or actively) with your customers from the time they first discover your brand, to their first purchase, to their tenth purchase. Are you missing out on any opportunities? Are there any ways you can increase the number of touch points with them without feeling like you are pressuring them too much? Consider tactics like grassroots, boots on the ground marketing like flyering and experiential events, getting your product into brick and mortar stores, creating more VALUABLE content, and so much more. The key is figuring out what will resonate most with your audience.

A new year means new challenges and new wins ahead of you. It all starts with your customers and that means you need to take special care how you are building your relationships with them. If you aren’t sure how you can create better customer relationships, but you want to take your business to the next level in 2020, email us at hello@songbirdmarketing.com.


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